
发布时间:2024.06.06 04:14



北京师范大学地理系 教授

  曾主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金和科技部重点研究计划,发表论文30余篇。为本科生讲授GIS原理,GIS空间分析和GIS设计与开发等课程。(1)于佩鑫; 周询; 刘素红; 王西凯 ; 东北黑土区侵蚀沟影像特征提取与识别, 遥感学报, 2018, 22(4): 611-620 (期刊论文)(2)Liang, Boyi; Dahlsjo, Cecilia A. L.; Maguire-Rajpaul, Victoria Alice; Malhi, Yadvinder; L iu, Suhong ; Modeling Error Evaluation of Ground Observed Vegetation Parameters, IEEE Transaction s on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 69(7): 4987-4994 (期刊论文)(3)Chen S; Zhang Y; Wu Q; Liu S; Song C; Xiao J; Band L E; Vose J M ; Vegetation structural change and CO2 fertilization more than offset gross primary production decline caused by reduced solar radiation in China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021, 296 (期刊论文)(4)Xun ZHOU; ZhongPing SUN; Suhong LIU; PeiXin Yu; Xikai Wang; Yuebing Wang ; A method for extracting the leaf litter distribution area in forest using chip feature, International Journal o f Remote Sensing, 2018, 39(15-16): 5310-5329 (期刊论文)(5)Li, Xingang; Wang, Yuebin; Zhang, Liqiang; Liu, Suhong; Mei, Jie; Li, Yang ; Topology-Enh anced Urban Road Extraction via a Geographic Feature-Enhanced Network, IEEE Transactions on Geosc ience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 58(12): 8819-8830 (期刊论文)




考研 出国 科研 就业 学业

